Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Deposition - Leonard E. Nathan

 Leonard Nathan (1924 - 2007) taught at Berkeley for most of his career and authored 17 books of poetry.  His obit notes that he was ".... a fixture for 50 years in literary circles both on and off the UC Berkeley campus....".  I confess to being glaringly unfamiliar with his poetry, but I liked this one.  It reminds me of how Ann Landers always answered when people wrote for advice about their marriage: "Are you better off with or without him/her?"

A Deposition

They never should have married, but they did
And got for their trouble someone to accuse,
To be accused by, someone to whom they could,
With telling pleasure, break the day’s bad news…
Yet they outlasted their friends who foretold just how
And on what day they’d part, and at what place –
But never did; wherever they chose to go,
They went together, bitter and full of grace,
As if some secret (Two alone could share)
Bound them by a higher law, though wrong,
Than love’s. Like royalty deposed, they were
Impossible, and in that region strong.

                                                                                Leonard E. Nathan - American

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